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S – Scripture
Write out the Bible passage you're focusing on and/or a particular verse you want to zero in on. This practice encourages focus, especially for those easily distracted.

O – Observation
Take a closer look at the passage and jot down what stands out:
•What catches your attention? 
•Who is the author? Who is the intended audience? 
•Is there something new you’re noticing this time? 
•Are there repeated words, comparisons, or contrasts?
•What’s the context—what happens before and after this passage?

Start with the basics, but let your observations deepen as you reflect further. 

A – Application
Consider how this passage speaks to your life today. 
•How does the message challenge or encourage you? 
•Is there a change you need to make, an action to take, or a mindset to shift? 
•Is there a promise to claim or a truth to hold on to? 

This step allows you to connect God’s Word to your personal journey in a meaningful
and practical way. 

P – Prayer
Write out your prayer, pray out loud, and listen.

Here are some suggestions:
Thank Him for what He has shown you in the passage.
Ask Him to help you apply what you’ve learned and to grow you into the likeness of
Christ. Praise Him for His character and the truths revealed in His Word. 


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