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Church For The ONE believes children are a gift from God! Child dedications are intended for young children (ages 0-4) who are not mature enough to make a personal committed decision to follow Jesus on their own yet. This is a special part of our Sunday service where you will commit to raising your child in the faith as a family before God, your friends, family & church!


Event: Child Dedication Sunday

Month: May & October



As your Kindergartener steps into their first year at school, they enter a world of fun, learning, and growth. Our ministry wants to be a place where their hearts and minds are nurtured, where they build friendships, and where they encounter the love of God in tangible ways. As we celebrate this milestone with every activity, story, and interaction, we seek to create a safe and welcoming environment where kids can meet Jesus on their level.


Event: 1st Day of School Celebration

Month: August



The Bible is the most amazing book ever written! We want all children to love God’s word and understand the value of applying it to their lives. Kids For The ONE believes that God's Word is our foundation. In our Bible Dedication service, you will have an opportunity, as the spiritual leader of the household, to gift a Bible to your child. This is a special part of our Sunday service where you and your child will commit to seeking God's Word as a family!


Event: Bible Dedication Saturday

Month: September



In fourth and fifth grade, kids are starting to understand who they are. We want to help them see themselves as Jesus does and learn what it means to follow Him by learning to pursue their calling. By teaching them about Jesus and His plans for them, we seek to show them how to find their unique purpose and use their gifts to make a positive impact in their everyday environments. Our goal is to support their spiritual growth and help them live out their faith confidently. We seek to guide them towards personal ownership of their faith!


Event: To Be Announced Soon

Month: March




In fourth and fifth grade, kids are starting to understand who they are. We want to help them see themselves as Jesus does and learn what it means to follow Him by learning to pursue their calling. By teaching them about Jesus and His plans for them, we seek to show them how to find their unique purpose and use their gifts to make a positive impact in their everyday environments. Our goal is to support their spiritual growth and help them live out their faith confidently. We seek to guide them towards personal ownership of their faith!


Event: To Be Announced Soon

Month: August




Welcome to the teenage years! It's a time when questions of identity, belonging, and purpose take center stage in your child's life. They're seeking their place in the world, craving connection and a sense of belonging. YTH for the ONE is here to walk with your child and help point them to who God says they are and partner with you in providing guidance in their search for community and a place to belong. Our desire is that your student would STEP INTO their spaces of community with godly wisdom and confidence in who they are in Christ while STANDING OUT in those spaces as the light and salt of the world.


Event:  YTH Step Up Party

Month: August




One of the fundamental inquiries your teenager may be wrestling with is their purpose in the world. They want to know what difference they can make. This is a question about purpose. At Church for the ONE our mission is to help every single person pursue their calling. YTH for the ONE is dedicated to empowering every student and helping them discover and pursue their unique calling. We believe that each one is entrusted with a distinctive calling from God to further His Kingdom, make His Name famous, and leave a lasting impact on their community.


Event: “Welcome to High School” Party

Month: August




Your teenager is driving and has a new level of freedom and responsibility to make decisions. One of those may be whether or not they will go to church. Our desire is to partner with parents in making it easy for the student to stay connected and invested in the church and making it hard to leave. We want our students to reach a point in their lives where they choose to stay connected, not because it is merely a habit, but it is a conscious decision driven by their understanding of the important role they play in the mission of the church.


Event: YTH Night Out

Month: February




Your child's journey into adulthood marks a bittersweet milestone for your family. We desire that our high school graduates will step into this new season in their lives with confidence in who they are in Christ and feeling celebrated and supported by the church. Whether they remain nearby or venture afar, our students will sense the unwavering support of the church and recognize its profound significance in their lives. We were not meant to go through life on our own. While your child may be spreading their wings and leaving the nest, our fervent hope is that they won't journey alone! Event:


Graduation Sunday

Month: May


Salvation is the personal decision of believing that Jesus died for your sins, and was raised from the grave, to give you life! Salvation is trusting in Jesus Christ as the Savior of our sins and following Him with our lives.


Baptism is a declaration one's faith in Christ and their commitment to follow him.  It is also a way for you to seal what Christ has done in your heart by taking an action step that all will see.  Being baptized is meant to be a celebration of new life and a recognition of what Christ has done!


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