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A Bout With Doubt




John 1:19-23 NIV, Romans 8:24-26 NIV, Jeremiah 29:11 NIV, James 2:19 NIV, Ephesians 4:27 NIV, Isaiah 35:3,5 & 6 NLT, Isaiah 35:4 NLT, Matthew 28:16-20 NIV


- Doubt when kept concealed or hidden is like carbon monoxide – it’s the silent killer.
- DOUBT kills more CALLING than FAILURE ever could!
- DEFINE DOUBT: “A lack of belief or conviction of something.”
- “There are no atheists in foxholes” --> “There are no doubting Christians on cruise ships”

Discussion Questions

1. What are some common signs of doubt in our spiritual lives, and how can we distinguish doubt from healthy questioning or curiosity?
2. When you experience doubt, what practical steps can you take to address it in a way that strengthens your faith rather than weakens it?
3. In what ways does overcoming our own doubts equip us to better support others in their spiritual journeys?

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