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Five Things First




Psalm 119:105
Proverbs 27:17
Matthew 6:21


Five Things First
1. Chair: Place that you can daily connect with God.
2. Row: Larger community that you're a part of.
3. Circle: People who are sharpening you in your faith.
4. Ten: Percentage that you are giving.
5. One: Person you're seeking to lead towards Jesus.

S.O.A.P. Method
Scripture: The Passage
Observation: What's Taking Place
Application: My Action
Prayer: Response
S.O.A.P. Bible reading plans available on the "Obsessed with the One" app.

Statistics on the impact of Church Attendance
- 22% lower incidence of clinical depression
- 84% reduced risk of suicide
- 50% reduced risk of divorce
- 33% reduced risk of substance abuse
- 55% reduction in all-cause mortality
- Church attenders give 1.6x more to all organizations than non-Church attenders.
- 43% of Church attenders volunteer outside the Church, only 19% of non-church attenders volunteer somewhere.

Discussion Questions

1. What do your daily habits reveal about your priorities?
2. How does putting God first practically shape your decisions and actions?
3. Which of the five foundational practices (Chair, Row, Circle, Ten, One) is most difficult for you to prioritize? Why?
4. How does leading one person to Jesus impact your own faith?

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