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Unfortunate Salvations
Acts 9:1-19
2 Corinthians 11:16-29
John 12:20-31
Discussion Questions
1. Reflecting on John 12:20-33, how does the concept of dying to one's own dreams to embrace God’s better plans challenge your current life aspirations?
2. Considering the sermon's theme that true salvation often starts with a personal 'death', what are some areas in your life that might need to 'die' to allow God's better plans to flourish?
3. In what ways have your acts of faith, like giving, been influenced by expectations of personal gain rather than true surrender to God’s will?
4. How can the story of Paul’s transformation from Saul (Acts 9 and 2 Corinthians 11:16-33) inspire you to embrace disruptions in your life as opportunities for divine redirection?
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