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- When you're looking for Jesus he is not hard to find. When you're looking for something else he is easy to miss.
- Jesus walked with those who were walking away from him.
- How can I walk with those who are walking away from Jesus without walking away from him myself?
When To Walk Away
1. A toxic person to you is someone who is getting in the way of who God called you to be or what he called you to do.
2. Toxic people will make the issue your reaction instead of their behavior.
When To Walk With
1. Not every difficult relationship is a toxic relationship.
2. You do need boundaries, you also need filters.
3. You are not called to be a referee, you are called to be a light.
4. Your next step towards Jesus is towards someONE who is walking away from him.
Discussion Questions
1. In your life, right now, are you walking with Jesus? How would Jesus answer that question if He was asked about your relationship, and how might you work toward deepening it?
2. Are there people God has put into your life that you need to walk closely with? Are there toxic people you need to separate from for at least a time? Commit to praying for God’s guidance in these things.
3. When talking about Jesus or trying to know Him more deeply it’s easy to focus primarily, or even solely, on the New Testament. In this passage Jesus implored His followers to think of how He had fulfilled what the prophets had foretold in the Old Testament. How well do you know the prophecies Jesus fulfilled, and would a better understanding help your testimony of His power?
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