I am Found
January 2, 2023

Sharee has been attending Highland Park for 4 months. Prior to that she had been in prison on and off for the last 4 & ½ years. Sharee, mother of 4 beautiful daughters, was an IV drug user and had been addicted to drugs on and off since the age of 12. Sharee said, “I grew up with generational curses that God has since broken.”
On Easter Sunday back in 2015, Sharee asked God to reveal Himself to her as she was shooting up drugs in a bathroom. He showed up and took away the high and it was then that she knew that Jesus really existed. While Sharee was in prison, even though she could barely read, she began reading the Bible. God spoke to her and she began learning and growing in a relationship with Him.
Once released from prison, Sharee began attending Celebrate Recovery services on Saturday nights and then began coming on Sunday mornings. Recently Sharee had the life changing experience of being baptized and said, “I am not lost, I am found!” Sharee’s story isn’t over, and either is yours!