The Impact of Serving
December 23, 2022

Fred first visited Highland Park in late 2021. In early 2022 he started attending periodically.
Fred said, "In May of 2022 I met a new neighbor that peaked my interest in getting closer to God and started going more frequently. He invited me to help the staff set up for Summer Finale and when Hurricane Ian hit I inquired about helping at a church clean up after the storm. He told me he had something coming soon that he believed I would be great at. In October he asked if I wanted to run a camera during Splatter Youth Conference and I jumped on the opportunity."
Fred joined the tech team immediately! "I realized it was more than an opportunity to serve, it was also to experience community at church." On one of the Sunday’s he was attending, he saw Matt Dees (HP production director) running a handheld camera and texted his neighbor, “Can I run that? His neighbor responded, “Absolutely!" Fred thought it would be funny to do a Rocky 4 type video of himself training with some weights while on a treadmill. You see Fred doesn't just want to serve; he wants to be best he can be at serving. He came in on his lunch break to practice and to learn. It quickly became apparent to him that working out with the weights would actually be beneficial to running and operating the camera as it begins to get heavy during the services.
Fred said this, "Serving the church and community has been one of the most impactful experiences in my journey getting closer to God."